Winterville Chamber of Commerce

We support our businesses and organizations and help them to thrive in our community.

We promote and advertise the Winterville community so others will know what a great “slice of the good life” we have.

We are committed to promoting excellence in business and community.

What Does Our Chamber Do?

Milestone Celebrations

The Chamber helps to welcome new businesses and celebrate exciting milestones with existing ones (ie. anniversaries, re-openings) through Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies. Town Council members, the Town Mayor, local papers, and all Chamber Members are invited.

Board members of the Chamber will be there to assist with the event and to help provide a warm welcome.

Chamber Champion Spotlight

This is free advertising for our members! We randomly draw a business or organization name each month to have their ad featured on our social media pages, in the newsletter, and on our website.

We direct some of our marketing funds to advertise the social media posts, allowing it to reach more of our community. Check out the current feature on the Chamber Champion tab of our website  or on our Facebook page.

Scholarships for Local Seniors

Each year we award a $1000 scholarship to a deserving senior from our area high schools. This award is given at our Annual Awards Reception.

Monthly E-Newsletters

Each newsletter has a feature about the new businesses to join that month and events happening in the community and Chamber!

They are emailed at the start of every month.

Networking Events

The chamber provides numerous opportunities for you to network with others and make connections within our community.

Along with the more regular events like Membership Networking Meetings and Business After Hours, we also host a number of unique events throughout the year. Student/Business Mixers, Portraits & Pints, Speed Networking are just a few we’ve held!

Sponsorship Opportunities

The chamber provides opportunities for your business to showcase your value of our community through various sponsorships.

Not only do we have sponsorship add-ons to get in front of more of our members, but we also showcase the opportunities provided by local organizations and schools through our newsletter.

Connect & Learn: Membership Networking Meetings

At these meetings we discuss Chamber happenings, welcome new members and give them an opportunity to introduce themselves.

Guest speakers come to present topics of interest to the business community and to educate them on ways to help their business grow.

Annual Community Awards

Through nominations provided by the public and subsequent voting on finalists, we present 6 businesses and community members with awards. Our categories are Business of the Year, Citizen of the Year, Teacher of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, Favorite Spot to Shop, Most Dedicated Public Servant, and Favorite New Business.

Learn more here.

Website Listings

On our Chamber Member Directory page we have all our businesses, organizations, and schools listed to make it easy to shop and get involved with your fellow chamber members!

See our Chamber Member Directory tab for a preview.

Leadership Opportunities

As a chamber member you have the option of getting more involved in the chamber itself by becoming an ambassador or officer of the board.

An opportunity for personal and professional growth and to help your fellow chamber members.

Supporting Businesses

Need to meet with the zoning board? Trying to find a new business space? Our business is making your business better. Let us know what we can do to help support you.

Looking for resources? Check here.

Social Media Presence

With the importance of social media marketing being ranked high on most businesses lists, we make a point to keep our online presence active and engage our community.

Not only do we post regular updates and information about things our Chamber is doing, but we share to our stories the posts our members are making to help increase their reach!

You can find us active on Facebook and Instagram, plus join our recommendations group on Facebook to share what your business is up to and ask for/share recommendations for local businesses.

Business After or Before Hours

These events offer the opportunity for business leaders to meet, greet, socialize, network, and have a good time in a relaxed environment.

Blessing Boxes

The Chamber created two Blessing Boxes to place in Winterville in 2020. The boxes were built as a collaboration between a local Eagle Scout and Chamber members. Local businesses sponsor the boxes and keep them filled throughout the year.

You can find the first on the edge of the property at Winterville Christian Church on Cooper Street, and the other beside Winterville Insurance Agency on Railroad Street.

Annual Teacher “Welcome Back” Breakfast

At the beginning of the school year we serve breakfast at each of our Chamber schools to welcome back the teachers and start the year on a positive note.

Promoting our Community

We keep up-to-date on what’s happening in the Winterville area and businesses and post events, articles, and photos to help promote our community.

Vendor Events

We host as well as partner with the Town on various vendor events throughout the year. The Market on the Square series, Halloween Fright Fest, and the Town’s Christmas Market.
Our Chamber Members get vendor spot priority, and reduced fees.

Winterville Watermelon Festival

This festival is the biggest watermelon festival in the state and brings people from all over to our community.

The Chamber does a lot to assist the festival and benefit our community, including assisting with sponsorship forms and sending them early in the year for our Chamber members to have early access to this opportunity.

Other Programs and Initiatives

We are constantly expanding our reach via resourceful programs for our members and community outreach initiatives.

We host special events like Glow Mini Golf, Portraits & Pints, Student Business Mixers, Speed Networking, and more.

We help feed Winterville families in need with our Thanksgiving Meals Initiative.

We host specialty programs like Small Business Bingo and Window Wonderland: Window Decorating Contest

We support and help raise money for Winterville Police Department’s Shop with a Cop Program.